

To promote a more equal and fair situation between both genders, Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) founded the Women’s Development Committee in September, 1993 . DPP even promoted the Women’s Development Committee to be the Department of Women’s Development in order to further the relevant works of fair genders which are contributed to developing local women organizations, empowering women’s abilities, establishing policies concerned about women of this party, encouraging female party members to participate in political affairs, creating a women-friendly political environment, with every effort to strive for more right and relevant welfare for women.

1.      秉持『民進黨為最關心女人、友善女人的政黨』之概念,積極提升婦女的社會地位、提升女性政治參與度及影響力,以及倡導正確的性別觀念。
2.      協助民進黨在政策訂定上力行『性別主流化』的方向,建立完整友善的台灣性別環境

1.        與世界婦女團體與女權組織保持聯繫,爭取發言機會,成為國際婦壇的一員。

2.        掌握國際各種婦女議題脈動,加強台灣女性在政治上與國際的連結

Mission Statement

   1. We stick to the concept of being a party which is the most concerned about women and women-friendly, Department of Women’s Development in DPP enthusiastically promotes the social status of women, improves the political participation and influence of women, and advocates the right gender concept.

   2. We assist DPP to propel gender mainstreaming in public employment and policies in Taiwan so that we can set up a gender-friendly environment here.


   1. The Department of Women’s Development will associate with women organizations from around the world, try to obtain the opportunity of speaking out, and become a part of international women associations.

   2. The Department of Women’s Development will fully grip the international issues about women and enhance Taiwanese women’s political connection with the world.

  1. 組織培訓地方女性黨員,了解地方婦女處境,鼓勵婦女關心政治
  2. 協助地方發展婦女組織,加強女性培力工作
  3. 連結地方女性黨公職,提高婦女參政機會
  4. 制定並宣傳婦女/ 性別政策,用政黨力量改善台灣婦女地位
  5. 釐清並倡導正確之兩性及性別觀,塑造社會性別平等之環境
The Focuses of work
  1. We organize and train the local female party members to understand the situation of local women and to encourage them to pay attention to politics.
  2. We assist local branches of our party to develop women organizations locally and enhance their abilities.
  3. We connect with local female party members who work within our party to increase women’s political participation.
  4. We establish and advocate the policies of women/ gender, using the power of our party to improve the social status of Taiwanese women.
  5. We clarify and advocate the correct ideas of both genders and gender-specific concept to form a social gender-equal environment.
  1. 發展民進黨全國性婦女組織聯絡網,建立北中南地方婦女組織,連結各區婦女力量
  2. 建立婦女人才庫,發覺優秀的婦女人才,培力參與政治之能力,擴大婦女參政聲音
  3. 從事婦女議題之研究,了解屬於台灣的『性別主流化』方向,協助本黨為婦女發聲
  4. 與國際間各婦女/性別團體建立友好關係,積極加入國際組織,提升台灣女性在國際上之能見度與良好形象
Future Expectations
  1. We hope to develop the network of DPP’s national women organizations and to build the women organizations in the north, center, and south of Taiwan to unite the power of women in each area.
  2. We plan to found women talent tank to discover outstanding women, to develop their ability to participate in politics, and to speak out their political thoughts.
  3. We research women issues to understand the direction of gender mainstreaming in Taiwan and to assist women in our party to express their ideas.
  4. We try hard to build up good relations with international women/gender organizations and to join international organizations to promote visibility and better images of Taiwan women internationally

    創作者 Sisterhood姊妹派 的頭像


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